Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's My Turn to Play with Batman

The clock is ticking and if a deal is not reached by midnight Friday the Federal Government of the United States of America will shutdown due to no budget....  I'll repeat that,  the Federal Government of the United States of America will shutdown due to no budget.  We aren't talking about a Pizza Hut closing because the owner bungled the budget and they had no operating capital for the year.  We are talking about the federal government, the governing body of the great US of A.  How is it that an organization can not reach an agreement or *gasp* a compromise?  I whole heartedly believe that the problem lies squarely on the shoulders of the political party system and the machines that they drive.  The pendulum of democracy now swings so far to the right AND left that common sense and the interests of the country at large, and more to the point the constituencies of the elected officials, has gone by the wayside.  
This budget squabble is just one example of many:  the Federal Government is one of the largest employers in the country, so effectively the members of Congress are the Board of Directors do they honestly think it is in the best interest of the people they represent (employees) to shut the government down?  Absolutely not.  But the members of congress, in their infinitely increasing pettiness, are essentially holding the budget hostage to propel their own partisan agendas.  Too far apart on budget cuts... and all agree the deficit is out of control, split the difference and agree to revisit additional cuts/spending in 2012.  Problem solved.  Have a nice vacation.  I know it sounds overly simplistic, but seriously how/why is it any harder than that?  Is it worse than not cutting enough?  Is worse than cutting too much?  Both sides get 50% of what they want, they tie, and American Government (Democracy) is not further elevated as a potential laughing stock.

B instead of working to a logical compromise, the two sides (now three if you count tea party) are more focused on winning this game of chicken, they are like pre-school children fighting over a Batman action figure, the country.  The country and its well being are not a pose-able figure with kung fu chop action and a spring loaded grappling hook.  It is a land made up of hard working men and women who at the end of the day just want what is fair, what needs to be done, and bottom line what makes sense.  Heaven help us if there is a "real" problem in the near future that requires Government action.  Because with this current group's inability to work together for the greater good, I have serious concerns about how any material problem would be handled, or  ... not handled.

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