Thursday, April 7, 2011

30 Day Music Challenge

Day 2: Least Favorite Song
Wow... another fast ball down the middle.  Least favorite song is a tough one because I like a lot of music spanning many all types, rock, rap, country, you name it.  But the more I thought about it if you like a lot of music you probably dislike a lot as well because you start to listen more and more critically so that you don't a) go broke mortgaging your house to Steve Jobs and iTunes or b) go to jail pirating music from some corner of the internet.  So with that I will say I have my fair share of songs that get the dislike button in Pandora, many of these though aren't "bad" they're just bad for me.  But there are some artists that I really don't care for, as much as I wanted to put Bieber or Rebecca Black on here I just couldn't because they are catchy and I get the appeal, I mean, I won't be downloading any Bieber anytime soon, but I'm not ruling it out in the future if he manages to pay someone to put together a good tune.  I think gimmicky artists are the ones that annoy me the most and fall into the unsavory or least favorite category.  The perfect example of that is crowned my least favorite... 

Cowboy Troy, I Play Chicken With The Train

Now embedding was disabled for the video apparently they don't want just anyone to be able to stream this chart topper from their website all day for free.  The guy took a chance I'll give him that, but I can't take you seriously when you brand yourself as a "hick-hop" artist.  I mean certain things do not mix.  Oil/Water, Politicians/Logic, etc.  So I put a link here if you'd like to check out the calamity that is known as "hick-hop".  But warn you... it was the least favorite so I won't have hurt feelings if you don't watch, but for every person that didn't watch Audience of One, I flicked Dublin's ear... how does that make you feel?

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