Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finding Nemo

The other night I made my first voyage into the pool at the gym and I must say it exceeded expectations.  It was a fantastic and oddly calming workout.  I absolutely knew that I had done something my arms, shoulders, chest etc were on fire and my heart was going a 100 miles an hour, but it was almost enjoyable unlike lifting and running (not quite at the point where I find running "enjoyable", it's more a necessity considering my love of good food and good beer).  Anyway, swam laps for 30 min and by the end was finally starting to get the rhythm back so I didn't either swallow half the pool or pass out from lack of breath during my freestyle laps.  I will be adding swimming 2 - 3 times a week to my weekly routine hopefully it'll change things up a bit and it will for sure be a good thing to do come July.  I do need to figure out flip turns and get a different set of trunks so I look a bit more legit out there.  Gotta at least look like I know what I'm doing.


Beth said...

I'm pretty confident your picture is actually not Nemo and in fact is Marlin, Nemo's dad. #JustSayin

Beth said...

Based on your lack of blogging, I don't think this qualifies as a blog anymore.

Beth said...

I am removing 'Insert Title Here' from My Favorites shortcut bar, because I clearly do not need to visit it on a regular basis.