Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy Weekend

Weekend came and went entirely too fast, went to the homeland for an early Easter celebration.  Despite the fact that there were snow flurries on the drive... snow flurries have no place in the month of April, that's just nonsense.  All was well, good beers to sample, good times with everyone, the kiddos are getting big fast.

Got home Sunday and watched Game of Thrones premier, which was awesome.  Just as good as I'd hoped, episode 1 was a bit slow, but I think it set things up nicely and is doing a pretty good job of painting the scenes.  Can't wait for more.

The long whirlwind of a weekend meant taking Monday afternoon off to tend to the lawn, which grew a ton over the week.  But I got it wrangled back to a manageable length and got the first round of fertilizer on so hopefully, the lawn will improve this year... the joys of home ownership.

Week ahead is one of menu planning, hosting our first holiday meal this weekend as the inlaws come up for Easter.  Should be as fun as last weekend, so that'll make for two solid weekends in a row.

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