Monday, November 30, 2009


Thanksgiving brought the usual fare of family, turkey, stuffing, mashed taters and legos.  We treked down to Saint Louis to see the inlaws and much to my surprise and delight Brett (my cousin inlaw) asked me not long after I had finished off roughly my wieght in delicious Emo's pizza, if I wanted to play with LEGOS?  To which I replied "ABSOLUTELY."  To understand my excitement you must look back a few visits to my adventures with Mr. Thomas T. Train (the T stands for 'the' I think T. is more sophisticated), because Thomas what his toy of choice and while fun, there's only so much you can do with plastic train tracks and he had all sorts of "rules."  Legos however are a big box of random.  Thousands of multicolored blocks just waiting to be snapped together into something awesome.  Brett told me we were building war ships.  So I proceeded with my marching orders and began to transport myself back to childhood.  Below are my ships, I think for my first LEGO adventure in about 15 years, I did a pretty good job.  I built him four ships (from R to L), an attack plane, a radar plane the big white and red, a bomber and a boat.  The childhood break was a nice departure from my normal "thoughtless" activity of Call of Duty or some other video game.  Hopefully he'll have more LEGOS next year though cause we ran out.

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