Monday, November 23, 2009


This is a delayed post of sorts but it seems like Christmas is coming earlier and earlier every single.  I don't mean ealier in the sense of time because that would just be silly.  I mean the time in which people (stores) start breaking out the snowflakes and garland.  This year I saw stores that had forgone space for halloween costumes and delcious sugar loaded treats to make way for Santa.  I'm all about getting into the spirit of things but Christmas is kind of starting to be kind of a bully.  Halloween and Thanksgiving aleady have a tough time living up to the mere anticipation of Christmas that comes with the leaves starting to turn, now we have stores and municipalities throwing it in our faces in October.  I think if we hit September than a line will have to be drawn.  I understand the connection and advertisement of the holiday before Thanksgiving because that's one of the first big shopping weekends.  I honestly think that part of it is the economy.  Businesses are trying to get a jump start on the shopping season.  Along that same point I truely hope that "Black Friday" does not turn into a massacre.  With the economy still struggling and less folding money in the pockets I seriously worry about people and what they will do to get the "deals" offered this Friday.  I also hope that stores are smart enough... to handle what I suspect will be record numbers of people trying to get ahead of the spending this holiday.

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