Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Changed my Mind

Wait... Changed my mind I do have words for this, and by this I'm refering to this weeks Video of the Week, see it below.  I think this is a classic double standard.  You know WHERE I found the link to that video?  Not on ESPN, Fox Sports, MSNBC Sports or one of the probably dozens of other media outlets where I cruise for my sports news throughout the day, no I found it on perezhilton.com (we'll discuss the embarassment of admiting to visiting perezhilton.com at a later date, right now, eye on the prize).  Now I understand that soccer doesn't have the popularity of football but this year when Oregon's LeGarrette Blount punched a Boise player after a loss, a huge to-do was made about it and he ended up getting suspended (since reinstated), more recently Brandon Spikes of the University of Florida was caught poking the eyes of a Georgia RB (idiot) he too was front page news and subsequently suspended for a game.  These two stories were front page news and they were vilified by the media.  What they did was absolutely stupid and deserved suspension.  But for this to not even get a mention?  I mean in watching that video this girl should be suspended for the duration of her time left in school.  Spikes and Blount had momentary lapse is sanity and did something deplorable and frankly stupid.  This girl was doing those same acts over an entire game until she was finally caught in the act and Red Carded by the referee.  I just hope that the same media voices that put all the pressure on Urban Myer and the Oregon coach to suspend there players for their actions, are putting at least equal energy into making sure that this girl's actions are publicized enough that action is taken.  There is no place for that kind of stuff in any sport.

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