Thursday, November 12, 2009

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - The Review

In a single word, perfect.

This game is so breathtakingly amazing that I seriously struggle to find words to adequately describe it.  This game has more drama and plot twists and turns than a Hollywood blockbuster.  The plot, the music, the visuals, all were top notch.

To clear up the biggest bit of "controversy" (Not sure if any readers will play this but **SPOILERS** are sprinkled throughout, so if you don't want anything ruined skip to the last paragraph now)   their was a stage that involved participation in a terrorist attack on unarmed civilians in an airport.  First off, it should be no surprise that the media blew it out of proportion and took it completely out of context.  In the context of the game and the games stoyline it made sense.  Was it disturbing, absolutely.  But the game's theme is meant to be so, one of Modern Warefare's goals is to get you emotionally involved, emotionally invested in the game.  This disturbs a lot of people because it's new, I mean it's hard to get emotionally involved in jumping on a turtle or getting a fireball flower.  The scene certainly was hard to watch but it was very powerful and spoke to the absolute worst side of humanity, that like it or not does exist.  And to further clarify, you don't have to participate in the executions, you walk through and watch, but you dont' have to actively "do" anything.  Nevertheless, it DID fit the game's plot it was not an unecessary attempt to add violence and gore.  **Big Spoiler** Essentially, your character was an undercover agent that infultrated a Russian Terrorist ring, at the end of the airport attack, they shoot you and leave you there.  Leave you an American there.  Which then leads Russia to attack the U.S. bringing the war to the U.S. views of DC in ruins were pretty gripping.

Alright, I've gone on about this for far to long and the geekiness has shown through way too much.  My bottomline point is that I equate this more to a movie than a video game.  There were plot twists, betrayals, an amazing score, and you were truely emotionally invested in the story and characters from the moment you hit the start button. 

All that praise and I didn't even talk about the online gameplay.... 

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