Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wake-up Call

As with most people I require the assistance of an alarm clock to coax me out of bed every single morning.  I have recently switched to waking up to the radio, generally this is a more peaceful option than the ear piercing beep beep beep beep that most alarm clocks that aren't ridiculously priced use.  Anyway.... I was setting it last night and checking the volume level and a Britney Spears song was on, I thought to myself, wow this would be an awful way to start the day.  Then and there I decided to implement the Whoops I Slept in Leave Day.  How it works is simply this: if my alarm goes of and it's a Spears song I will roll over, go back to sleep and put in for annual leave for that particular day.  Because the way I figure it if the day starts off that way... nothing good can come from that point on so best to just avoid potential land mines the day may hold, stay in bed, maybe play some Call of Duty, and just relax. 

Update: this morning was a save morning, wake-up tune: Katy Perry

1 comment:

Unknown said...

call of duty? come on man!!! thats so 2009. you try transformers war for cybertron yet? ull thank me later =)