Monday, August 9, 2010

Birthday Partay & The Weekend

Let's set the scene, a hot summer day, an annual celebration commemorating a birth, a water park full of slides.  Any guess on the age of the birthday boy and guests?  29.  The answer is 29.  This weekend about 20 some 27-29 year olds took over Oceans of Fun, reverting back to simpler times where it was acceptable to run around and hoot and holler (but not on the pirate ship apparently).  Twas a wonderful time and my first time at Oceans of Fun and I must say I did have "Oceans" of Fun.

Sunday came with my departure to Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin.  I'll have to post some pictures later, campus is awesome.  My dorm room however, well it's what I imagine minimum security prison cells to look like, wow it's depressing.  All I have to say is if you go here you'd better like your roommate because there is zero shot of personal space.  But the bed was surprisingly comfy and the A/C was cranking so all in all I can't complain.  Hopefully classes will go smoothly, I'm armed with Starbucks, 5 Hour Energy, and Gum.  I hope to avoid resorting to more drastic measures. 

I wrote this like:  Cory Doctorow

1 comment:

Beth said...

You've now written like Cory Doctorow twice. He must also dislike grammar ... but still be very entertaining! :)

... I wonder which author over-uses points of ellipses and emoticons?