Friday, August 13, 2010


This post really isn't for the faint hearted and tiptoes ever so gracefully along the thin line of oversharing. I've started running pretty heavy and focused again in efforts to prepare for the KC half marathon, which I've heard is a pretty brutal course hill-wise (there are no hills in Chicago so his will be interesting.  In the course my training I've taken all the precautions to avoid every  type of injury or ailment that I've experienced in training for my last two races, you know, building off my past  experiences, learning from my mistakes, all that jazz.  But despite my very best efforts, I've managed to chafe not one, both both nipples.  I'll wait for the shock of this statement/laughter to end.... done yet?  ... So I lied I'm not tiptoeing the overshare line, I'm pole vaulting over it Dan O'Brian style.  Ok, moving on, this hurts like hell and it's one of those odd feeling nagging, burning hurting pains, that almost annoys you to the point of hurting.  Imagine sandpaper being rubbed on your skin very softly and slowly for about 30 minutes, that's how this whole process got started.  The worst part about the whole thing is that now that it's happened I'm stuck with it.  Some of you will suggest band aids, these do not work, unless you staple them on of have no sweat glands.  They fall off roughly 22 seconds after stepping outside, it's humid in KS/MO, people have been known to break a sweat walking to the mail box.  Body Glide, yep I own the deodorant stick size of it and use it religiously and somehow the chafe managed to happen.  Oh,  I almost forgot, this brings me to another fine little batch of irony... now that it's already chafed, Body Glide, ya know protection, burns like hell when applied.  So I have that to look forward to.  But perhaps worse than all of that combined, the body glide burn, the 30-40 min of sandpaper like rubbing is, drum roll, the shower.  There's a special sort of pain that takes place when water hits an open wound, and I get to experience it four times a week, it's awesome.

Anyway, I would apologize for the oversharing but really this is my blog and I needed to vent and get this out.  According to Google countdown, 65 days to the 1/2 hopefully things will heal up a bit by then.  


AA said...

Question: How does that even happen?
Observation: At least you acknowledge you only have 2 nipples.

Tina Jay said...

^^ditto to that one. Sorry ben, but that's hilarious

seganita8 said...

Use vaseline instead of Body Glide! It works much better. Also, invest in good compression shirt... they are so tight that they don't move, so no chafing. Good luck with the training though!