Monday, August 23, 2010

Life Update

Back form banking school and wow does it feel good to be in my own house with my own stuff.  I did absolutely nothing this weekend and it was glorious.  I have a feeling I'll pay for it in the coming week though as we clean and such for the weekend.  Going to go pick up my Chiefs tickets tonight and I am so very excited I can hardly contain myself.  I've already begun calculating how much chili could fit in my turkey fryer.  Tailgating is one of my most favorite things to do and sad sad sad to say it's been a long time since I've been able to do it.  On the agenda for next week is Cornhole boards.  This has been a long time coming but I have renewed sense of motivation with the coming Chiefs football season, I think that our tailgate experience would be somewhat diminished if we don't have some bags of corn to toss around.  Plans are in hand and I think a trip to Home Depot is in order. 

Outside of that, not a lot new going on puppies are growing like weeds - Dublin pretty much doubled in size, not sure when or how that really happened but it did.  Beth is good, her job is good - I'm pretty jealous of her iPhone and Deck parties.  Running is going well, hard getting back into it but I'm pretty close to back to form, which I measure by my average pace.  Race is coming up sooner than I'd like - the KC course scares the bojangles out of me, lots and lots of hills.  I absolutely hate hills, which is why I'm only doing a half in KC.  It is new shoe time though which is always a good time.  But yeah, that's really about all I can think of.

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