Friday, August 6, 2010

Running Again

Finally getting back in the swing of things running-wise.  Got my training plan loaded on the calendar, race picked out, and ready to go.  Word to the wise - if you are in race shape, don't stop running.  I stopped, or rather ran very very inconsistently for about 4-5 months.  Man it's brutal, I wouldn't say that I'm "starting over," because when I started I could barely do 3 miles, and I'm still able to to 3 at a pretty brisk pace, however beyond 3 is going to tax me quite a bit.  The whole process is being both complicated and compounded by the stupid hills.  I hate hills.  Chicago is flat, closest thing to a hill is an on ramp.  Missouri, for those that are unaware, is not flat.  Which makes training day after day even more taxing.  There's also a bit of complication because there's not miles and miles of lake front trail to run on, so finding enough run-able space is also a bit of a challenge.  But alas, I'll get it done and I'm looking forward to the Kansas City Half-Marathon on October 16, it'll make the 3rd 1/2, so, good times.

I wrote this like: Stephen King

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