Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Busy Bee

I had intended on posting nearly daily updates from GSB and it was a grand idea in my head, but in practice is proving to be not at all practical.  They have us on a constant run, four classes a day with one 15-20 min. break and about an hour for lunch.  So 8:30-4:10 it's all business.  By the time I run and then eat, the day is shot and my brain hurts so bad that I long for my concrete slab, I mean bed.  College is spanned over four years so basically the information is kind of self-paced to some extent, they feed it to you buffet style.  You walk up with your tray, take what you want, go chow down, and then get a new plate and go back for more.  Here, they take the entire buffet, put it in a blender, hit puree, jam a tube down your throat and start pouring.  Apologies for the graphic, but that's what it's like, yesterday I felt like I sat through 2 months of yield curve course work in about an hour and a half.

In all seriousness though I am enjoying it, dreading the projects, but enjoying it.  I do have some rather interesting observations though that I hope to have time to put down this weekend, so I don't forget about them.

Wrote this like:  Cory Doctorow... this guy and I are on the same page

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