Sunday, August 15, 2010


As I mentioned a few days ago, Banking School is proving to be a whirlwind of learning.  It also is a very representative throw back to college days:

Blue Powerade... BU people know what I'm talking about here, this tasty little drink was a staple at meal times and it's presence at UW makes me wonder if Coke realizes that there are other flavors of Powerade and Blue flavor is probably not their best effort.  Nevertheless I've consumed many a glass of this tasty beverage.

Here is my classroom where I spent my 8-4 every single day, it's every bit as huge as it looks and while I've lucked out and had an empty seat to my right and left, but if I did have people on my 3 and 9 o'clock I have zero idea how I'd manage taking notes and not freaking out about personal bubble invasion.

And last but not least here is my home for the two weeks... the pictures really don't do the space justice and I mean that in a bad way.  UW housing has got to do a good job with their pairing of roomies because there is zero personal space in this cozy little bungalow.  You're pretty much living right on top of one another.  And you can kinda see the closet in the top one, so I have no clue how ladies function in these rooms cause closet space is nonexistant.  I will say the bed is actually a lot better than I anticipated, I've slept pretty well, actually better than I generally do in a hotel, which I find very odd.  The size is lends itself well to amplifying that good old dorm room smell, concrete, tile, musty carpet and sweaty clothes... nothing says home like those fragrances swirling in and about your nostrils

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