Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Word Vomit ... Apology

I just realized that the reference to Word Vomit that I used in an earlier post, which I thought a clever way to describe my free-flow of thoughts of a non-homogeneous content. However, I realized that that was not in fact an original idea. It struck me last night like a big awkward slap in the face... (apologize mom for the language but)...Oh Shit... (I literally said that out loud) the phrase Word Vomit came from Mean Girls... I just quoted Mean Girls, What the hell? I was instantly embarrassed. I immediately left the Call of Duty game I was in the middle of and drafted this apology. I was embarrassed for several reasons, mainly though because by using said phrase, which shall not be uttered from my lips or typed by my fingers hence forth, I was in fact admitting publicly for friends and family to read that I had viewed the abomination of a movie that was Mean Girls. And if the aforementioned action was not egregious enough, I was giving it "street cred" worthy of only quality motion pictures and anything that is uttered from Will Ferrell's lips by quoting it. I truly do apologize to anyone who was offended and I will make better choices in the future by not watching every terrible move the TBS throws at me just because it is on (which sadly in my case is easier said than done).

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