Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Apparently I'm a Fat Loser

So I play video games. A lot of video games, I'd say on average I hit the 8-10+ hours a week mark. On my off days I've been known to be "on the sticks" for 6+ hours in a sitting. I think that qualifies me as a gamer. According to the CDC the average "gamer" is 35, Fat, and lacks social skills. They came to this sweeping and generalized assessment by conducting a survey of 552 adults in the Seattle area.

I'm sorry, but I have a problem with a Federal Agency basing and publishing it's assessment of "gamers" on a survey of 552 people, what were there parameters? and honestly can you really extrapolate the results from 552 people over the entire population? The United States has 304 million people, so they surveyed 0.0002% of the population, from one single geographical area, and from that they decided that was sufficient to publicly call out that gamers are Fat, Social Outcasts. Ya know what... I could survey 552 adults in Clay Center, KS; but extrapolating the results of any survey conducted there across the entire United States would be inaccurate and would require the largest jump to conclusions mat ever created. I mean who's to say that the average Seattle resident isn't 35, overweight, and lacks social skills? Maybe the problem is Seattle? I mean it is very close to Canada.

I understand that the Federal Government and adults in general over the age of 40 have a large, Paul Bunyan size ax to grind against video games, but seriously....

A link to the insanity:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This post is just one prime example of why you were meant to be an examiner.