Sunday, August 23, 2009

Truckers and Ice

If your heard the words Female and Trucker... what are the first thoughts that come to your mind? I tell you my first thought: Rosanne Barr. Sterotypical? Absolutely. But you thought it too. Now why in the world would I be thinking about female truckers? Well I was watching Ice Road Truckers this morning and their happens to be a female trucker this year, Lisa. And needless to say she does not look like Rosanne. Beth and I thought for sure this was a trick, she was a host or something, not an "actual" trucker, I mean one toothless man is nicknamed Polar Bear and rumor has it he hasn't bathed since the Carter administration. So we continued to watch to see what type of a rouse we were witnessing, because I mean she was not trucking across the plains of Kansas, she's trucking in Alaska on the ice roads, which for those who have ever watched the show knows it's no messing around. Below is a picture of Lisa.

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