Sunday, December 27, 2009


Went and saw Avatar yesterday with the in-laws, the movie was awesome.  Not sure I was a huge fan of the 3-D experiece, but the movie was, for lack of a better word, beautiful.  The CGI was flawlessly integrated into the picture, at no point that I can recall did I notice a clear distinction between "green screen" or CGI and the real living breathing actors and sets.  The plot, while simplistic and slightly transparent, remained very entertaining and kept your attention, keeping you excited and engaged enough that you really don't notice the nearly 3 hour run time.  So don't listen to the boo birds out there complaining about the plot, sorry critics no meaning of life in this movie, but it will entertain you from begining to end for sure.  You got invested in the characters and they did a really good job of not prolonging certain scenes that could very easily have gone the way of Dances with Wolves and just made you want to claw your eyes out in bordem; it refrained and kept a good pace that made you feel like you knew what you needed to know without taking forever and a month full of Sundays to get there. 

Bottom line I give this movie an amazing and it's probably the best I've seen this year with Watchmen being right up there as well.  I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of the sci-fi type movies I will most certainly be adding this to my Blu Ray movies to buy list.

Friday, December 18, 2009


So, it's been awhile now and I kind of figure it's time to get a better title.  There's nothing "wrong" with the old one but I started off with the pretty nondescript (Insert Title Here) and I really had initially planned to put something in there eventually but just never got around to it.  And to be honest I really didn't get around to it because A) I play Video games in the majority of my spare time and 2) well my attention span is not the greatest so I figured I'd drop the blog in a matter of a few weeks.  That being said, the search, nay, the quest for a new title has begun.  I'll likely have a rotating variety of titles over the next weeks to "try them on for size."  SO if you happen to see a good one that you like, leave a comment... see one that is most heinous (thank you Bill & Ted) then let me know that too.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Response to a Christmas List...

To Whom it May Concern:

GI Joe and Transformers 2 were horrible abominations, masquerading as movies. I refuse to spend my hard earned dollars to in any way encourage a 2nd and 3rd installment, respectively. My childhood memories have been trampled on enough... while we're at it let's just add Russell Crowe as Robin Hood to the list of atrocities that Hollywood continues to put out at my childhood's expense. It's not officially out yet but I saw a trailer and it looks like Gladiator in the woods, in fact I'm pretty sure there's a scene with a horse that they just photoshoped woodland gear on Maximus's body.

I urge you to do the same, boycott these two movies and pass the word on to anyone you feel may fall victim to the temptation that is a shiny box with the promise of taking you back to simpler times of fruitt by the foot and slap bracelets. Please.

10 year old Ben thanks you for your time and attention.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Video of the Week

I love Trans-Siberian Orchestra, probably my favorite  Christmas music.  This is an old video but pretty amazing when you consider what was probably involved in getting it set up.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


So yesterday's post was a bit... angry and it's the holiday season and I shouldn't be so angry, but those two stories in my mind have some parallels that just anger/scare me.  That being said... enough with the negativity it's the holidays and to kick that off, here is my favorite Christmas decoration:

I honestly don't even remember where or when we got this little guy but when I think Santa, this is what I think of not the big fat red guy with the snow white beard that invites strange children to sit on his lap... (am I the only one that thinks that's wierd? Parents spend 364 days keeping thier kid AWAY from strangers and then 1 day in December, plunk them down on a strangers lap... It's wierd, but hell when I have a kid I'll plunk them down on the jolly man's lap on that one day too).  I think of this guy, kinda mountain manish with a hint of Gandalf.  He's not to flashy and very unassuming, well except for those bells I mean you'd hear a guy coming that was waving around a string of bells as he walked.  I could share some hot chocolate with this guy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Price of Fame?

I can't recall if I've commented on my thoughts on the Jon and Kate Plus 8 television series but to put it lightly I think that all parties involved should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting these kids as long as they did.  At the center of this whole mess are two individuals who are selfishly addicted to money, attention, and free stuff.  Proof of this fact is that they'd rather head to the divorce court and keep the show on the air than exit the show and try to work out their issues, that at least on the surface seem to have originated because of the show, or at a minimum were amplified by it.  And the kids not only lost their family unit but now it turns out they are probably going to need some professional help the following article says the kids are 'sobbing' at loss of cameras, this is just sad.  I feel bad for them, because their lives are so jaded at such a young and age that they require the attention of cameras.  I hope that they get them the help they need, because in this day where it seems like everyone is trying to get there 15 min. I'm truely scared about what self-destructive things these kids may do in the future to get back in the spotlight. 

I mean just look at all that is going on now, women openly admiting they are essentially morally corupt, just for a bit of air time and the hope of a primetime interview.  I of course I'm speaking of the Tiger Woods women.  I mean I in no way shape or form think what he did is okay; it's terrible.  But it takes two to tango, and these women knew he was married and in my opinion are equally guilty but yet they are so willing to sell out their values for the hopes of some small "fame" if you can even call it that.  I mean who freely and openly comes out and disgraces their family and themself by admiting to sleeping with a married man?  Who does that?  I mean their just jumping on TV as fast as they can to say I slept with Tiger Woods!... And the worst of it is some of them try to make it seem as if they feel "bad."  No, if you truely felt "bad" and remorseful you wouldn't run to US Weekly you'd run to tell your priest and then take that to the grave.  Zero reason to admit it to US Weekly other than selfish spotlight seeking.  I mean if you think about it it's pretty terrible all around the way around. 

Bottom line I hope that these to numb skull parents are smart enough to realize that the show had a damaging impact on their kids and learn from the self-destructive path that so many child stars have followed, set aside their own selfish need for spotlight, and get these kids as far away from spotlight as possible.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Gym

Nearly everyone I know has "Gym Stories" about their fellow patrons, which had me concerned because I didn't have any.  Seriously.  Not a one I must go to the most "normal" gym in the world, which has me doubly concerned because what if I'm the wierd guy that everyone tells stories about?  Kind of makes me self concious.  Anyway, no stories until... yesterday, now these aren't "wierd" as much as bothersome to me, which considering I've been there a year and not found any annoying patrons was awesome.  My gym is a typical monoploy gym, super expensive (which sucks) personal training sessions run you about $45 per 1 hour session.  I saw this girl, kid you not, checking email on her iPhone for about 15 min. sweetie... the photoshoped picture of the kitten with the M16 can wait till after you stretch.  The chick was cluesless to the obviously annoyede trainer who I could tell wanted to "accidently" drop a kettle bell on it.  Story number dos' same phone different girl, elevated cluelessness... girl number two was actually doing her ab excercises whilst discussing what I can only imagine was the cure for global warming or a breakthrough in cancer research.  Again, trainer annoyed.  Girl clueless.  Tres'.  Guy reading a book, while pumping iron.  Because when I want a place to curl up with the latest Twilight book I think clanking iron, grunting men, and idle female chit chat.  And last but not least the award for funniest guy goes to the locker room.  So I saw this guy leaving when I was arriving and he was in the locker room at the conclusion of my workout.  So do the math on that, we worked out the same amount of time, about 45 min.  He, in that 45 min, forgot which locker he put his stuff in.  And I'm not talking he was one or two off, because I've done that, he was entire sections of the room off, in fact he may still be searching for it as we speak.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Year's Resolution Phase II (II and a Half) Update

I decided that while technically this will count as my resolution I think I'm going to begin start the executions now, that way I have several weeks to get myself over my addictions (i.e. cheating is allowed until 11:59:59 PM on 12/31).  

The first two e-stractions to walk the green mile: 

Farmville & Mafia Wars

It's not that these were "bad" applications and when the votes were counted and pros and cons were reviewed these were the bottom two.  So alas I'll be retiring from the mob and the farm.

Childhood Memories Ruined...

The utter destruction of my childhood televison heros was complete on Saturday with the viewing of GI Joe Rise of Cobra.  As if the Chevy commercial, I mean Transformers wasn't bad enough... this movie was such a disappointment.  I was going to write a lot on it, and actually had a rant all written up but deleted it because it made me sad.  I'll just say this: perhaps the saddest and most disappointing thing was the lack of the "moral" or "lesson" at the end of the movie, GI Joe fans know what I'm talking about.  And knowin is half the battle... this small little 1-2 min. clip could very well have saved the movie in my mind, but without it I'm left with a very bitter taste in my mouth, and that's all I have to say about that. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New Year's Resolution: Phase I

So I know this is super early but on my 10 hours worth of Trukey Day driving I began to cook up my New Year's Resolution which is to declutter my life.  I decided I have way to many e-stractions (electronic distractions)  I started a list:

Mafia Wars
Bejeweled Blitz
Fantasy Baseball
Fantasy Football

So in short Phase I is the discovery process, the identification of the time thieves if you will.  Phase II is to evaluate the pros and cons of each and then Phase III which will take place shortly after Christmas will be execution.  Somethings have just got to go, I am judge, jury, and executioner and like Highlander, "there can be only one"... not really I'm keeping more than one, but that saying is just so darn dramatic.

PS Don't underestimate my dorkiness....I did infact order them so they would look like that

Tuesday, December 1, 2009