Sunday, December 6, 2009

Childhood Memories Ruined...

The utter destruction of my childhood televison heros was complete on Saturday with the viewing of GI Joe Rise of Cobra.  As if the Chevy commercial, I mean Transformers wasn't bad enough... this movie was such a disappointment.  I was going to write a lot on it, and actually had a rant all written up but deleted it because it made me sad.  I'll just say this: perhaps the saddest and most disappointing thing was the lack of the "moral" or "lesson" at the end of the movie, GI Joe fans know what I'm talking about.  And knowin is half the battle... this small little 1-2 min. clip could very well have saved the movie in my mind, but without it I'm left with a very bitter taste in my mouth, and that's all I have to say about that. 

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