Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Response to a Christmas List...

To Whom it May Concern:

GI Joe and Transformers 2 were horrible abominations, masquerading as movies. I refuse to spend my hard earned dollars to in any way encourage a 2nd and 3rd installment, respectively. My childhood memories have been trampled on enough... while we're at it let's just add Russell Crowe as Robin Hood to the list of atrocities that Hollywood continues to put out at my childhood's expense. It's not officially out yet but I saw a trailer and it looks like Gladiator in the woods, in fact I'm pretty sure there's a scene with a horse that they just photoshoped woodland gear on Maximus's body.

I urge you to do the same, boycott these two movies and pass the word on to anyone you feel may fall victim to the temptation that is a shiny box with the promise of taking you back to simpler times of fruitt by the foot and slap bracelets. Please.

10 year old Ben thanks you for your time and attention.

1 comment:

Josh McMahan said...

I heard Bryan Adams was writing a really awesome song for it as well.