Sunday, December 27, 2009


Went and saw Avatar yesterday with the in-laws, the movie was awesome.  Not sure I was a huge fan of the 3-D experiece, but the movie was, for lack of a better word, beautiful.  The CGI was flawlessly integrated into the picture, at no point that I can recall did I notice a clear distinction between "green screen" or CGI and the real living breathing actors and sets.  The plot, while simplistic and slightly transparent, remained very entertaining and kept your attention, keeping you excited and engaged enough that you really don't notice the nearly 3 hour run time.  So don't listen to the boo birds out there complaining about the plot, sorry critics no meaning of life in this movie, but it will entertain you from begining to end for sure.  You got invested in the characters and they did a really good job of not prolonging certain scenes that could very easily have gone the way of Dances with Wolves and just made you want to claw your eyes out in bordem; it refrained and kept a good pace that made you feel like you knew what you needed to know without taking forever and a month full of Sundays to get there. 

Bottom line I give this movie an amazing and it's probably the best I've seen this year with Watchmen being right up there as well.  I'd highly recommend it to anyone who's a fan of the sci-fi type movies I will most certainly be adding this to my Blu Ray movies to buy list.

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