Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Gym

Nearly everyone I know has "Gym Stories" about their fellow patrons, which had me concerned because I didn't have any.  Seriously.  Not a one I must go to the most "normal" gym in the world, which has me doubly concerned because what if I'm the wierd guy that everyone tells stories about?  Kind of makes me self concious.  Anyway, no stories until... yesterday, now these aren't "wierd" as much as bothersome to me, which considering I've been there a year and not found any annoying patrons was awesome.  My gym is a typical monoploy gym, super expensive (which sucks) personal training sessions run you about $45 per 1 hour session.  I saw this girl, kid you not, checking email on her iPhone for about 15 min. sweetie... the photoshoped picture of the kitten with the M16 can wait till after you stretch.  The chick was cluesless to the obviously annoyede trainer who I could tell wanted to "accidently" drop a kettle bell on it.  Story number dos' same phone different girl, elevated cluelessness... girl number two was actually doing her ab excercises whilst discussing what I can only imagine was the cure for global warming or a breakthrough in cancer research.  Again, trainer annoyed.  Girl clueless.  Tres'.  Guy reading a book, while pumping iron.  Because when I want a place to curl up with the latest Twilight book I think clanking iron, grunting men, and idle female chit chat.  And last but not least the award for funniest guy goes to the locker room.  So I saw this guy leaving when I was arriving and he was in the locker room at the conclusion of my workout.  So do the math on that, we worked out the same amount of time, about 45 min.  He, in that 45 min, forgot which locker he put his stuff in.  And I'm not talking he was one or two off, because I've done that, he was entire sections of the room off, in fact he may still be searching for it as we speak.

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