Thursday, December 10, 2009


So yesterday's post was a bit... angry and it's the holiday season and I shouldn't be so angry, but those two stories in my mind have some parallels that just anger/scare me.  That being said... enough with the negativity it's the holidays and to kick that off, here is my favorite Christmas decoration:

I honestly don't even remember where or when we got this little guy but when I think Santa, this is what I think of not the big fat red guy with the snow white beard that invites strange children to sit on his lap... (am I the only one that thinks that's wierd? Parents spend 364 days keeping thier kid AWAY from strangers and then 1 day in December, plunk them down on a strangers lap... It's wierd, but hell when I have a kid I'll plunk them down on the jolly man's lap on that one day too).  I think of this guy, kinda mountain manish with a hint of Gandalf.  He's not to flashy and very unassuming, well except for those bells I mean you'd hear a guy coming that was waving around a string of bells as he walked.  I could share some hot chocolate with this guy.

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