Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I'm a TV watcher.  I like TV.  A lot.  I have a ton of shows that I love and don't miss unless there's a really really good reason.  It's because of my "ridiculous amounts of TV watching" (my wife's words), I feel like I'm an authority on TV programing, self proclaimed yes, but an authority nevertheless. 
Now as a self-proclaimed authority I am going to tell you the two things that annoy me about most shows.  1) They are on too long and have no direction.  It happens nearly every season there is a break-out hit show that just blows people away, great concept great ratings, just a solid piece of programing.  Season 1 is a bang, Seasons 2, 3 the same results.  The only problem... the creators didn't really have enough in the tank for 4+ seasons.  So they jump the shark as they say, they twist the story beyond what it was ever intended to be, it loses focus makes no sense and then just disappears into oblivion.  See Heroes.  The show was great and I feel like they had some great ideas and great stories to tell but they went on too long, they drug the show out beyond the story and it started to suck.  2) Creators and networks think that all shows need a twist.  We get Sixth Sense was awesome.  No one saw it coming.  It was first of its kind, amazing.  But come on man... you can't pull it off in every case, sometimes the story is just the story and it should be straight forward and clean.  See Lost clones, The Event.  Now... I've only watched 2 episodes but the herky jerky flashbacks and cryptic nonsense is already old.

At least I can count on HBO... TV series that are amazing.

1 comment:

Tina Jay said...

yes, HBO, and when their writers run out of stuff to say, they just cut to black! in the words of George Costanza, "I'm outta here!!"