Thursday, September 23, 2010

Odd Thoughts...

He walked into the room.  His breath quickened and his heart began to race as the cold air touched hit his face.  Every footstep echoed through the room cold cavernous room, but even this sound could not distract him from the feeling that something was wrong.  Something was out of place.  But he'd been here before, he'd been here a hundred times, it all looked so familiar.  So why did this time feel so different?  Why was there this pull, this nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach that something was amiss, something was wrong.  As he approached the corner he could no longer hear his footfalls as his racing heart overshadowed the sound of footsteps in his ears.  He feared what was around the corner, but it was too late, too late to turn back now.  As he rounded the corner and their was a rush of relief that washed over him as he saw them; there they were lined up in a row, glistening in white, a totem letting him know all was well; urinals.  He let out a long sigh of relief, he had not walked into the Women's bathroom.

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