Monday, September 27, 2010

Life Update

Again, too much has happened too fast.. the past few weeks in snapshot form:
  • Home for cousin Ashley's wedding, great times with family, too short as always but niece and nephews are growing like weeds and all is well.
  • Chiefs have started with a bang 3-0!  I'm pretty sure it's my presence that is the key to this whole thing.
  • Work is work, about 1 trip a month for the rest of the year, which is pretty good considering my past jet setting ways.
  • Fall is here and that chill is creeping in on the air and I absolutely love it.  Soup is one of my favorite foods and it is nearing full on soup weather.  I love it.
  • Harry Potter Party is rapidly approaching... the new trailer has made the wait nearly unbearable.
  • Fantasy football is in full force, my teams are stupid, top scoring team that is 3-0.  Why is it that my team is always playing another high flier, 3 weeks in a row.
  • Chicago weekend was great.  Graham Elliot food was amazing.  A tad overpriced compared to other fine dining restaurants we've been to, but the food was awesome and I would recommend it.  Tip: go with the a la carte, not the tasting menu, won't get quite the variety, but in my opinion it's the tasting menu that is overpriced, not necessarily the food.
  • Speaking of rapidly approaching... KC 1/2 Marathon, emotions are mixed, legs are feeling very heavy for some reason these days.  Hoping this is nerves and over thought and less a physical thing.  Getting some new shoes tonight so, fingers crossed shaving a few oz will help.
I'm pretty sure that there's roughly 32 things that I've forgotten, I need to do this kind of update more often.

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