Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Life Update

Blog maintenance has been less than sub par but we got a new look a new name and I'll try again to reboot and do a better job with updates, rants, pics, videos, rants and nonsense (yes I know I said rants twice, I'm a fan of ranting).  

ANYWAY... life update.  Life has been pretty boring since I last left, well as boring as life can be when you are expecting a tiny human to enter your life (due Jan 3).  Needless to say, life has been less than dull between furniture, car seats, paint, and general preparations... crap, babies need a lot of stuff.  And try as I might I honestly can't call any of it "unnecessary" in fact I'm finding the contrary point is true and there are likely several things that we are missing on the list that will need to be acquired later.  Anyway... I'm sure I'll have some updates as the day gets closer.  At this point in time we'll go with super excited and super nervous at a 50/50 split.  Work is work, travel has slowed a bit, but still there, not really anywhere out of the ordinary.  Coolest trip has been Paso Robles, CA though home of Firestone Walker Brewery, probably my number 2 or 3 favorite brewer.  Two nights of sampling was pretty amazing.


Beth said...

Turns out grammar is important.

"crap babies need a lot of stuff"

has a VERY different meaning than:

"crap, babies need a lot of stuff"

I'm assuming you meant the latter despite typing the former.

Beth said...

Well now that you've fixed your blog post my comment just looks silly and out of place.

But I'm sure our baby girl appreciates you changing it and not referring to her as a crap baby.

Ben said...

I did fix the aforementioned comment... I will say that I did catch that... but forgot to change it. Grammar is just as important as people think it is.