Thursday, October 13, 2011

Letter of Apology

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to apologize for my past transgressions and frankly ignorant criticisms of Soccer.  These were poorly timed and uninformed critiques of a sport I did not understand.  As I watched the Men and Women's World Cups I have grown a bit more and more fond of the sport.  I now have a great deal of interest in the local club's performance and standings.  

My understanding of the rules are still at the most basic of levels which will undoubtedly lead to inappropriate displays of exuberance and poorly timed and poorly rationalized outbursts of misdirected anger toward players and officials (a second apology here because I've watched football with similar passionate, yet knowledge limited fans and nonsensical outbursts about strategy/officiating/play are super annoying for those that actually 'know' the sport, so sorry again).  Lastly, my skill of actually playing the sport is likely at about the 5-7 year old level (at best).  

Again I apologize and hope my past does not impact my potential interest in this sport moving forward.

With regret & sincerest apology, 
Ben McMahan

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