Sunday, October 16, 2011


I may take November off...

October 25

November 8

Modern Warfare 3 is, as the name states, the 3rd installment of the Modern Warfare series from Call of Duty and I can't wait.  MW2 was great so I very much look forward to the 3rd part of the story.  While the multiplayer and online games is where the real investment is because of the replayablity.  I am hooked on the storyline from MW and MW2 and am really looking forward to seeing how the events of MW2 evolve into the 3rd "episode".  That being said... my excitement over MW3 is only a fraction of the excitement I have for Battlefield 3.  I've never played or purchased a Battlefield game.  But from what I've seen in previews and the limited multiplayer Beta... I may have found a new love to replace the CoD franchise.  Something that I really didn't think would be possible.  The graphics, even in Beta, were great and the destructible environments were amazing.  Tree in the way + RPG = no more obstruction.  I will be buying both.  Taking days off for both.  And sleeping less for a few weeks after release.  I'm sure I will have some comments on each (probably more comments than most will care to read) after playing each.

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