Friday, July 16, 2010

Food Bank

This is a bit of a feel good post that I'm happy to share.  Now that things have settled down, we got moved, bills are in order my wife and I are both gainfully employed, etc.  We decided it high time to return a little bit to Chicago.  Now nearly everyday during our 2 years in Chicago we'd pass by at least one homeless or less fortunate person begging for money.  Now you really do feel bad passing these people by because you have no idea if their own personal squandering led to their situation or if it was just a run of horrible luck.  You also feel bad handing them money because while some may use it for food and necessities, there are those that would use it to buy alcohol or cigarettes.  Both of which are not cheap and not essential to survival.  Furthermore, I'm not a carrier of cash so 9 times out of 10 I had nothing to give anyway... (although I did lie at times, which made me feel bad, see the point about alcohol and smokes) - I don't carry cash because I'm weak.  I have little self control.  If I have cash I have already removed that amount from the all powerful Microsoft Money and therefore whatever I spend it on is of no consequence.  With plastic however, I have to take that receipt and crush my soul as I enter in that I spent $10 on Monster and Doritos.  It's odd, but add it to the list, for those keeping track you may be out of fingers.  Anyway I digress, back to the homeless, what we decided would be a better way to help since we rarely gave to the individuals, was to make a donation to the Greater Chicago Food Bank.  This organization uses donations to provide meals for the homeless in Chicago.  I think this is a great way to give back because it ensures that a meal will be available and from there maybe they can work to get a fresh start.  By pooling everyone's resources with one organization we are able to more effectively help far more people than giving a dollar or two to an individual here and there.  I really would encourage anyone who wants to give a little help and either lives in or travels to a big city where homelessness is a problem, make a donation to the local food bank.

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