Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Video Game Day

It's new video game day and I am very excited as I often am on this day.  After my two previous video game desires got horrible reviews  they were no gos on the the purchase front (one of which was borrowed and confirmed as a solid decision), I have high, yet measured hopes for Call of Duty Black Ops, I don't think there is any way possible for the storyline to beat Modern Warfare 2, but they did bring in some big guns for voice overs such as Gary Oldman.  So there is potential, but with such a disappointing year in video games thus far, I've gotta approach this with caution.  If preorders are any indication it'll be epically awesome or a colossal bust, because early indicators have it paced to beat MW2, which put up HUGE numbers.  I'm picking this up after work and ... it'll likely be a late night/early morning combo.

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