Wednesday, November 10, 2010

iPod Fail?

So everyone with an iPod and an active iTunes account has songs and/or artists on there that they would be, for lack of a better terminology, embarrassed if played in front of mixed company.  But nevertheless, it remains on in your library and you dust if off every once in awhile and give it a listen when no one is looking.  For me, it's Taylor Swift.  Now, her stuff sounds incredibly odd when preceded by Rise Against, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, or one of many other relatively homogeneous bands that dominate my nearly 5 GB music library.  I'm not even a huge fan of country music, I mean I listen to a lot of it and I appreciate it for certain.  But it's not my go to genre by any means.  But with her music, I think it's the voice.  She just has a tone to it that is just really relaxing.  Anyway... what prompted this was buzz on Twitter and what not about her performance on the recent CMAs, which I attached below.  It was pretty awesome, I will say.   


PS Stop laughing, you know you have something on your iPod that's right in this same wheel house....  

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