Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

I truly and sincerely hope that the winners of today's elections will remember that they represent the people.  The people are in need of some sanity.  I hope they check there personal and party agendas at the door and do what is right.  I'm really truly trying to remain positive about it but given the environment and the amount of mud that's been slung this campaign season, I see more of the same taking place and no true change.  The preschool bickering has to end, compromises need to be made in order to make progress.

I'll be heading to participate in the process this afternoon, because as small as one vote may be in the scheme of things - if I want to criticize things I should probably participate in the process.  Big thing on the MO ballot is the City Income Tax.  I hope it's defeated and the city has to decide how to make what they have work.  I understand there is a shortfall due to the commuter nature of the KC metro area and KCMO is in general a business center and not much for residences, but hitting KC residence who already pay property tax, vehicle tax, sales tax, etc. with another 1% is pretty tough to swallow.  Other cities manage (I *think* KC and St Louis are the only cities with a tax, could be wrong on this point).

I will again renew my efforts to pay attention to politics given the new faces that will likely be in Congress, but as with the past - I can only take so much of watching preschool children fight over who gets to play with the Transformer.

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