Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We Are All Doomed

It's stories like this that lead me to believe that we are all doomed.  Apparently, Mrs. Magoo blindly followed the walking directions that Google supplied on her handheld device and ended up getting hit by a car on a busy road/street that had no sidewalks.  She's now suing them for $100k.  The doomed part comes into play because she'll likely win, because there was no disclaimer on the mobile version of directions stating "Attention sheep: these are estimated routes, we've not surveyed every street in the known universe, that being said if said route does not look safe (i.e. conflicts with basic street walking skills learned in preschool, i.e. walk on the sidewalk, look both ways, etc): Sorry fella, our bad, walk around."  Ok, well it sucks she got hit by a car.  But seriously how thick do you have to be to blindly follow Google?  I mean take a peek around and use a little thing called common sense, I know there isn't an app for that so you may be a bit confused, so let me explain: common sense is that little voice in your head that, upon seeing "turn right ahead onto Hwy 9" likely said "hmmm.... Hwy 9, curious there does not appear to be a footpath here, cars are moving rather quickly and nope sure doesn't look like a place that people who are not murderous hitch hikers should be strolling, perhaps I should retrace my steps and find an alternative route to my destination."  Crisis and injury averted, congrats.  But no, this woman strolled onto the highway and ended up getting hit by a car... I think they should add another verdict, guilty, innocent and darwin.  If you are convicted of darwin you have to be taught a school lesson on your offense by the Super Nanny or equivalently stern looking female with a British accent.  In this case she would likely be convicted of darwin, and sentenced to lessons in how to cross the street, followed by community service as a crossing guard, preferably in an area where crossing guards wear costumes.

I mean I can not count the number of times Google has led me personally astray.  For example in 2009 when Google let me to a residential house instead of the FCS Bank I was suppose to be auditing, what did I do?  I tell you what I did not do, I did not walk through their front door set up my laptop on their dining room table and proceed to show me where the files, coffee and bathroom were.  Because common sense told me that the business people of Northwest ACA likely did not operate in a locale the featured yard art, a chain link fence, and a broken down big wheel.

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