Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dream Catcher

So I'm not sure what the deal has been lately but I've been having some really odd dreams lately, I think it's lack of ice cream before bed:
  1. Jay Leno appearing as my High School basketball coach.  Odd because A) I can't stand big jaw and 2) I never watch Leno so how he crept into my subconscious I have absolutely no idea and frankly it disturbs me that I have no idea.
  2. I was a member of the Order of the Phoenix, flew on a broomstick and cast spells with a wand.  While nerdy, this one isn't odd to me in the slightest, I've been reading Harry Potter books rapid fire over the last month or so, a lot of which is done pre-bed time, so with that much Hogwarts in my brain there was bound to be some carryover into sleepy time land.
  3. Creepy girl in the window.  This one was an odd one and actually, startled me awake/made me talk in my sleep.  Essentially, Beth and I were discussing something secret, dunno what but for sake of argument let's say... a secret ninja mission to save the world from annihilation at the hands of vampire robots... anyway, there was a window and this Grudge-like little girl appeared in the window all creepy-like, screamed, scared us and ran away.  T'was  c r e e p y
  4. I still lived in Chicago and quit my job to become an assistant chef to Rick Bayless.  After dreaming of Big Jaw, Creepy Girls, and being a wizard this one seems pretty ho hum and "normal" but still kind of an odd dream to have. 
Of all of the above 3 and 1 get tossed immediately because, while it would be cool to make ninja plans, the fact that I have a creepy child stalking me, lurking in windows and scaring the hell out of me is not appealing.  As far as Leno... I'm still mad... Viva La Conan!  Choosing the best outcome between 2 and 4 is very tough.  On one hand I'm a wizard, which is awesome but on the other I'm assistant to my favorite chef and get to mess around with Mexican food all day.  I think at the end of the day I'd have to go with wizard.  I mean taught to be an awesome cook would be fantastic, but as a wizard, well it's pretty close to being a Jedi, and let's be honest, being a Jedi would pretty much trump all.

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