Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Water is essential in the summer, especially in the Midwest where the heat is generally at an unreasonable level and leaves you feeling awful for a vast majority of the time.  I mean I'm generally ok with a little sweating, it let you know you've done something but I'd just prefer it if that "something" was not going to the mailbox, that's not the type of activity that requires a perspiration style indicator.  That being said, water is key, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, but water is pretty boring and gets old.  Enter Cucumber Water.  I didn't create it, I'd had it at a sushi place in Chicago and it was pretty tasty but I didn't dwell on it all that much.  However, the hotel I'm at this week in Wichita had some in the lobby and wow was it super refreshing.  Anyway, next time you get the urge to try something a bit new at a BBQ throw some cucumbers in the water.

P.S. I don't even like cucumbers... I pick them off of salads, makes a lot of sense doesn't it?


AA said...


Laura said...

No, it's actually really good! I've had it too.