Friday, May 28, 2010

Dumbledore's Army... Sign me Up

I'm officially hooked on Potter, even more than before.  The odd thing is my interest and level of addiction has followed the same basic trend line as with the movies:  The first 3 years (books & movies) I muddled through, entertaining yes.  But overall I was not blown away.  Plot was still fairly straight forward, a few twists and turns here and there, but again nothing that just knocked me back, the story still felt... for lack of a better word juvenile.   Year 4 Goblet of Fire... things are getting a bit more interesting, a character died?  In a "kids" book/movie?... this is getting a bit dark.  I like it.  Now with Year 6 Order of the Phoenix, I'm full on hooked.  This movie is the one that REALLY got me into and looking forward to the series, my interest was at it's peak.  The book has not disappointed.  My interest has grown exponentially.  As I've mentioned before there are always differences in what is on paper and what is on the silver screen.  This book though...  Wow.  It's like the story has taken a completely different turn. Up until now there's been the expected minor deviations and differences between book and movie, most have been kinda sorta defensable, I mean a movie can't be 4 hours.  However, the amount of detail and subtlety that was not touched on in the 5th movie is stagering and has me pretty well on edge.  I absolutely can not wait to finish.  I am seriously considering putting a hold on all non Harry Potter activities until the series is complete, ok not really, but I was close.

I am looking forward to my Oct/Nov-ish Harry Potter Movie Marathon in which all 6 movies will be watched in a single sitting.  Yes.  I am that much of a nerd, I will do this.  And I will love every second of it.


Unknown said...

Ben, I am also VERY much looking forward to our Harry Potter-fest. It may be the highlight of the fall.

Ploger Family said...

I too love the Harry Potter series and love how intricate the story is and how all these characters and story lines are woven together. I've always said that kids need to read the story when they are the same age as Harry because he does grow into a moody teenager and the story gets dark. Eleven year old kids just wouldn't get that.

Laura said...

I'm with Megan- sign me up! I had Aaron buy me all the movies for Christmas (so I wouldn't have to borrow Megan's anymore:). Still, the books are so much better. Maybe I'll have to reread them all this summer.....