Saturday, June 12, 2010

Stay Classy

To Whom it May Concern:

First and foremost it is rude to laugh at someones choice of favorite restaurant.  It hurt my feelings.  Secondly, it is unfair to assume that all Mexican restaurants are Taco Bell and that amazingly executed, refined food cannot possibly be served at a Mexican establishment, referring to food as "road kill" etc..  Not cool, especially when you've never eaten there.  If you've eaten there and think "road kill" then, hey I have my opinion and you're welcome to yours.

Lastly, it should be known that your credibility on the topic of food and dining takes a bit of a blow when you perform the aforementioned items #1 and #2, then immediately proceed to tell tales of the truckstop you frequented as young man for its amazing food.  The food very well may have been amazing, but sterotypes work both ways my friend, glass houses, just sayin.


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