Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Every 3 seconds, click, off go the lights.

Motion detecting lights are a great idea, save money, reduce energy use, reduce carbon footprint, whatever, but if they were installed in a conference room you'd think there'd be an over-ride switch? I'm a bank examiner pecking away on my laptop in a conference room, not an aerobics instructor. That being said there's not a lot of motion involved in what I do for 9 hours. Hence, why the lights keep shutting off. So I am stuck making a spastic, tourettes like gesture toward the North wall every 3-5 seconds as people walk by the 3 glass walls watching me. I can hear there thoughts, "who the heck is that guy, and why is he waving at me?", "what is wrong with that guy's arm?", "why is there a guy working in the dark?", "how many examiners does it take to turn on a light? apparently more than one, so this guy is hosed", "that's it I'm going to HR, that's the 4th time that random guy has waved at me this morning, I will not be sexual harassed where I work"

This must be what monkeys at the zoo feel like.

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