Monday, February 14, 2011


So I watched the Grammy's last night after a several year ban on the program due to my disappointment with winners.  I was intrigued this year however because there were several performances that I thought would be very good, and let's face it it's all about the performances now, the occasional award is handed out merely to keep up appearances.  Several observations before I rant....
  1. Bob Dylan.  You are a legend.  You were exceptionally great in your day, an inspiration, and an icon; but please stop.  That performance was painful to watch.  It's time to hang up the harmonica collect some lifetime achievement awards, swear at kids on your lawn, take naps, etc. etc. etc.
  2. J-Lo and Marc Anthony... I'm really unsure if that was an actual fight or a scripted ruse, but it made me uncomfortable.
  3. Dr. Dre is the amazing.  That CD will be pre-ordered on iTunes
  4. Eminem... was awesome.
Okay, now that that is done, let me tell you why I hate the Grammy's and may never watch them again.  It's because they are stupid and no I'm not going to hate on Lady Antebellum, I actually kind of dig that song.  Arcade Fire.  Seriously?  Arcade Fire winning Album of the Year?  Now, virtually unheard of people upset folks all the time in the Grammy's so that's not the part that necessarily angers me, well it does, but that's not what angers me most.  Arcade Fire won Album of the Year, THE biggest award of the night for the BEST Album... of the Year.  What I don't understand however is how they can win the Best Album of the year, beating possibly my favorite album of all time Eminem's Recovery, but yet Arcade Fire didn't even win Best Alternative Music Album; that honor went to the Black Keys.  So you don't have to be a genius to see my confusion... Arcade Fire didn't even make the best Alternative Album... but yet they made the Best Overall Album?  I think the guys that run the BCS moonlight as the Grammy People in the off season.  That is the only plausible explanation.  You know who should be really pissed?  the Black Keys.  I mean hell they beat Arcade Fire head to head at their own game, I think they should claim Album of the Year.  Do I think Eminem should have won?  Absolutely.  But I wouldn't have necessarily been as disappointed in the people who run the award show if it would have went another way.  I just really don't see how you can justify a process that turns out results like this, that are so clearly outside the realm of rational.  Congrats... I probably won't watch in 2012, I'll just catch the performances on YouTube or DVR.

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