Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I like tomato sauce, LOVE salsa, chili, and it doesn't get much better than Velveeta and Rotel.  Nothing at all odd about any of that, except maybe that Velveeta is cheese that doesn't need to be in the fridge, which is not at all my point... but it is kinda still kinda creepy and not natural at all.  No the point is I hate tomatoes.  Which makes all of the above likes utterly absurd, I realize this and will not try to justify or explain it in any way shape or form because the common sense train left town long ago.  I used to say it was a texture thing and I just didnt' like them in big chunks, they needed to be pureed, ala ketchup, tomato sauce (yes I used to run all jarred sauces through the good ol' Magic Bullet)... however I got brave and started making my chili with stewed tomatoes... shot my logic out of the water cause now I'm eating chunks.  Enter theory #2 - still a texture thing, but it's not the chunks that are the issue it's temperature.  I only like them Hot.  Well my father inlaw's salsa blew that theory up like the Hindenburg because I will literally drink that salsa from a tea cup and it is tomato chunk city.  Essentially, I'm out of ideas - raw sliced or diced tomato hatred is really all I have left to cling to to keep me from thinking I'm totally insane.  I've tried them on sandwiches, tacos, burritos, lots of stuff and still I can detect a raw tomato chunk from 1000 paces.  It's a highly annoying thing to not like too, because it's one of those things it seems like everyone likes, thus making me odd, which as if you haven't noticed, I do not need anything else to but me in the odd category.  Oh well, I'll continue to do battle with the red little fruit and maybe one of these days I'll grow up and be able to eat a BLT, 'cause a sandwich featuring bacon as its primary protein is something I really think I need to be on board with.

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