Monday, April 5, 2010

Yankee Candle Dandee

Some product design genius if you ask me.  I'm sure everyone has purchased and burned a Yankee Candle, cause face it they smell awesome.  However, have you ever noticed how when you burn one there's all that wax on the sides?  Now this used to anger me to no end.  And I being the thrifty (thrifty, not cheap) person that I am ignored the Candle Masters at the Yankee Candle shop when the tried to upsell me there little $10 candle jar topper.  They stated that it would "maximize the Yankee Candle's burning time" to which I scoffed and replied "or give Yankee Candle $10 extra bones ontop of their $25 candle, no thanks."  Alas.... I was mistaken.  Bought one and danged if this little candle hat didn't allow for the candle to burn nearly 100% of the way.  This $10 little jewel probably got me about $5.83 more candle out of these silly things jars.  So in essence my thrify-ness actually cost me $5.83 on each candle and we buy a lot of candles, pretty much one per 20% BBB coupon and you know how often those silly things show up.  (speaking of, they show up so often why don't they just automatically give everyone 20% of one item?  I would wager this would actually save them money in printing, distribution, etc, etc.).  Back on track.... so essentially the Yankee design is pretty smart.  Make a candle that will only burn at best 80% of the way thus making you purchase candles more frequently... unless... you purchase a $10 little hat for your candle.  The kicker is these little hats come in all shapes and sizes and designs so they're hoping that people will go nuts and buy one for every holiday, etc.  Not me my generic candle hat is cross-seasonal good to go 365.

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