Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Weekend Update

The weekend was truly bittersweet.  First with the a few positives:  Got coat #2 on baby girl's walls and it looks pretty good.  Color looks great and it's one 'big ticket' item that is off the To Do list, which is a relief.  Second, got Battlefield 3 and cracked into it on Saturday, to say this game is awesome is an understatement.  A bit harder than MW in my opinion, but a lot of fun.  Had a Saturday night Fright Night with friends that included the comedy/horror movie Hotel Hell and the true horror flick, Paranormal Activity.  Sporting KC won big 2-0 in the first game of playoff action.  AND just last night KC Chiefs won a HUGE divisional contest against the San Diego Chargers.

and now... the bad...

KSU got destroyed by OU on Saturday, at the close of the first half it looked promising 20-17, OU made adjustments and proceeded to rack up 40+ unanswered points.. brutal.  On Sunday, the Yellow Light of Death invaded and claimed the life of my PS3.  So I got to play my new game for a total of... about 4 hours before death took this machine.  But hey for $150 + shipping costs Sony will fix it...  Also got called for jury duty, more on this later...

All in all the weekend was productive and the bad wasn't 'that' bad I suppose but, I really like my video games so that was a pretty bad one for me.

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