Friday, January 8, 2010

I love you.... Toaster Oven

The toaster oven is the most under-rated of all the kitchen appliances, while eveyone gushes over the microwave and all the perks that it offers with regard to cooking speed I need only point out the speed with which a toaster oven can broil a chicken breast and it is game over for radioactive food.  I was a skeptic and poo pooed the toaster oven for many a year, stating nay why do I need another appliance?  Why do I need a miniature oven when I have a big oven that has many more buttons?  Alas, I will tell you why.  Speed.  Plain and simple it boils down to speed, from raw salmonella infested flesh to deliciously broiled deliciousness is about 20min in the toaster oven, I'm lucky if my oven has gotten up to temperature in half that time.  The speed also helps you to eat "better" because making a healthy chicken breast now takes significantly less time it becomes a viable in a hurry option versus the sodium laced lean cuisines you have stashed in the back.  Even better is that you can make an entire meal in the toaster oven, divide the pan with some foil chicken on one side green beans with some olive oil on the other, 20 min later you got dinner. 

The toaster oven is now a staple and I his it a minimum of once a week.  Don't think I'll ever not own one ever again.

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