Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 Motto

So I've gone a Battlestar Galactica bender after borrowing the series from my brother in-law, watching about 45+ hours in 3 days...  The show is amazing, far better than I'd ever imagined, I actually feel very guilty for previously speaking ill of it - and I'll go into my full reactions after I finish the series (hopefully by Saturday).  But in an early episode I came across a quote that I've chosen as my official motto for 2010.

"Break preconceptions, work with what you have."

The quote came after a story of Adama's father who was a judge and he would symbolically break a pencil before entering the courtroom and then borrow one from the clerk.  Hence, breaking his preconceptions... and by borrowing; working with what he had in the room.  I think this has a lot of wide applications for me both personally and professionally.  Not getting hung up on the past opinions or preconcieved notions of things and trying to live in the moment and taking things as they are and as they come.  It will be a real challenge to fully live up to this, especially given my full on "chicken little," "cat in a room full of rocking chairs" mentality, but a motto is suppose to be somewhat of a challenge isn't it?

1 comment:

Twisty said...

Yeah Battlestar! Glad you appreciate it as much as I did. Enjoy the rest.