Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I've taken a break a vacation if you will because so far any ideas I've had have been extreme rants on politics or the insanity of people.  Such as Republicans continuing to just belittle everything the president does, I mean they guy has made some mistakes for sure, but criticizing him for going to support the UNITED STATE'S bid for the 2016 Olympics... sure it's in Chicago, but come on I live in Chicago and last I checked it was in the US and the face it given our image with some countries abroad, hosting them in international competition might be a good thing... If it was a Republican representing Dallas's bid I guarantee not word one would be said.  Pettiness like this is exactly why nothing will get done for the next 3.5 years.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Politics are a Joke, Fire Everyone

I think it's time for a fresh start in Congress. I think we need to sack the entire lot of them (man I wish I talked British), we need new ideas for new problems and the old timers sitting on Capital Hill aren't getting it done. Exhibit A: Senile old man with a Dragon flip chart. That is not a product of photoshop, that actually happened. Seriously it looks like a page from a deranged conservative children's book. For the Sunshine Days Preschool story time totally appropriate, but on the floor of a house of Congress, come on man get serious.
Now I'm not just picking on the Republicans, although that had to be one of the more blatant displays of "what the hell was that?" that I've seen. Exhibit B: Harry Reid saying that Ted Kennedy's death would "help" them on the health care bill. Really. You think that's just what you needed to push it over the edge, to give you the votes you need a guy dying? I mean who's mind is so easily corruptible that they say "hmm well I was against this, but Ted died and he was for it, so... in his memory I vote yes."

Last but not least we have the general public. It's our fault too, it absolutely is. We voted for Sir George and the AARP club that sits on the hill. But perhaps my biggest beef with the general public has come about as a result of the recent "town hall" meetings on healthcare. What a joke these things are. I would bet money, serious money. That these people who grab the mic know zero about the health care plan other than what they've heard from Olberman, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. And you think that is a balanced argument? About as balanced as the teeter-totter would be if my nephew and I were to have a go at it (British again). There may be some well informed people out there but by and large the people making the biggest deal of it are simply parroting what they heard from their respective "talking head" which makes great headlines but gets us nowhere.

It's just sad how two colors, two directions, two parties (Red/Blue, Right/Left, Rep./Dec.) have trumped common sense. For one side to say they have all the right answers is lunacy. But each are too immature to work it out... On second thought... maybe Mr Grassley's picture book style dragon flip chart was appropriate.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Once again a movie that I am super excited about is one of the animated variety. This takes me back to Mr. Tim Burton which I think is a brilliant, brilliant film maker. This movie just looks plain awesome. The only unfortunate thing is that Frodo is the voice of the main character, not a fan of Frodo outside of his Hobbit gear. Sadly, I doubt I'll drop the $18 for 2 tickets to the movie, I'll wait until it comes out on DVD and will likely purchase it for $16 and take the remaining $2 to buy some candy.

Is Tim Tebow Real?

I'm convinced now more than ever that Tim Tebow is a robot. First of all, the guy is a phenomenal college Quarterback, they guy has a won nearly every award a college football player can win and I'd go so far as to say that if he wins the title and the Heisman this year, he will go down as the greatest quarterback in college football. Ever. Now that's all well and good, but perhaps more importantly he's a phenomenal human. The guy does more for charity with his "celebrity" than probably anyone, and for sure any athlete. I would challenge anyone to find a professional athlete (other than Lance) that does more for charity and mankind in general. And I'm not talking simply about writing a check for a tax write-off, because they have millions. I learned how to write a check in I think 5th grade, a monkey can write a check. I don't know if Tebow will make it in the NFL, but I sincerely hope he does because I would love to see what he does with millions and millions of his own money at his disposal. I also think it will be great to see him make the rest of these NFL "stars" look like the big babies that they truly are.

Visit MSNBC for a full article on Tebow.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I've been having a bout with writers block and have been working so much that I'm short on both time and material to write about. We'll see if we can get a big more done here in the coming weeks.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009