Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Weekend Construction

My Mom and Dad came up to KC this weekend and there was some much needed construction going on in the house.  I'm not a fan of clutter, and this quirk which conflicts greatly with my desire for stuff (I'm full of contradictions like that, just ask my lovely wife)...I digress... so anyway in an effort to cure at least at a bit of organization to our clutter, shelving was in order and while we were at it we figured why not build a workbench, you know, just in case I feel the need to make some stuff.  I think the bench turned out pretty great, a bit more organizing needed and I need to get a peg board or some other sort of tool organizing system, but all in all I've got a pretty nice set up, just need a project now...

In addition to the garage project, ahead of schedule... the basement got some shelving too which will be a big time help keeping the totes an nonsense accessible.  It was a fun weekend, got to visit a lot with the folks and had a nice dinner at Cascone's for my Mom's birthday.  Next weekend we'll get things organized and then try to figure out what to build next. 

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