Monday, October 18, 2010

News Notes

  • Sign that you are a questionable candidate for political office: a commercial that opens with you stating emphatically that you are not a witch.  I mean unless you and Doc Brown went back to Salem circa 1692 or if you were part of Bill and Ted's school project and the phone booth broke before they could get you back to your own time period, this should not be an issue.
  • I have a feeling that Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity is going to be far bigger and produce a more far reaching and serious impact amongst the people than anyone in the media or politics is willing to acknowledge.
  • Brett Favre... if he did send these pictures he's an idiot.  But I have to question the timing, this happened and it doesn't become and issue worth reporting or making public until 2 years later and in the weeks prior to the Vikes vs Jets game?  Not saying sending unwanted pics or making unwanted advances on a woman is ever okay, but 2 years and right before a matchup of new team vs old team, all I'm saying is this has to raise a few red flags.
  • Justin Bieber talking smack on Tom Brady?  Yeah Brady's hair looks girlish, but are you serious, the man is a Super Bowl Champ, MVP, with one of the hottest women on the planet, he on the other hand is a kid, who's voice sounds slightly girlish and will, by historical accounts, be another one hit child star who is a nobody once he hits puberty and his voice goes Peter Brady.
  • Bill O'Reilly is pulled a pinhead move last week on the view, by referring to Muslims as murderers of 9/11.  Now grated that was their religious affiliation, but making such a broad and sweeping generalization is something that someone who is as critical as Bill is should not make.  Everyone has a religion, a race, and beliefs that are shared by many - painting the masses by the actions of some is a slippery slope that shouldn't be perpetuated by someone who is in a position of influence.  Every group has people that live on the extremes of their beliefs/principles these people should not be used as examples of the norm though.  Bottomline, he should know better.
  • Chilaen miners, so nice to actually see a good story in the news...  Gotta love that these guys made it out alive and largely unharmed.

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